Gilberto Moreno Ahumada

Paseo de la Cañada #200 B, Lomas del valle Zapopan, Jalisco,  CP: 45120, México

Home Phone:  +52 333 642 5956

Office: +52 333 813 0440

Phone: +52 331 044 1552



Date of birth: 17-09-1981


Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac (UNIVA) teaching the subject of Ophthalmology from February 2016 to the present.

Attending as a visiting doctor at the Ludwig Maximilian Augenklinik University Hospital in Munich, in the strabismus and pediatric ophthalmology service with fellowship from the International Council of Ophthalmology in 2017.

Physician in the strabismus service of the St. Joseph’s hospital for the visually impaired A.C.

Participation as an observer in operating room at the cornea and refractive surgery service of the Institute of Ocular Microsurgery (IMO), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain for 6 weeks, 2012 with Dr. Josep Lluis Güell, Dr. Daniel Elies and Dr. Oscar Gris as tutors.


  • National Institute of Rehabilitation (Ministry of Health), Mexico City: High specialty course in microsurgery of the anterior segment of the eye (UNAM) 2011-2012.
  • Association to prevent blindness in Mexico (APEC), Hospital Luis Sánchez Búlnes, Mexico D.F.: High specialty course in strabismus (UNAM) 2010-2011
  • Association to prevent blindness in Mexico (APEC), Hospital Luis Sánchez Búlnes, Mexico D.F.: specialty as ophthalmic surgeon 2007-2010
  • I C B – Institute of Biological Sciences (Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara), Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
  • HAL – Hospital Angel Leaño, (Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara), Zapopan, Jalisco, México: Surgeon 2000-2006Final Grade Point Average: 9.0 University